Monday, May 26, 2008

Our small town life!

Our neighbor boys came over to play this morning. They walk in and say " We have a surprise for you!", and they pull out a garbage sack. Can you guess what was in it? Well it was a headless snake that there neighbor had killed with a shovel. And we were lucky enough to have it delivered right to our door step still wiggling and twitching. How blessed are we that would never happen in vegas, well unless our neighbors were Satan worshippers and they were using the snake to cast a spell on us. But hey don't you just love the small town life.


House of Joy said...

Oh my goodness!!!! Did Braxton and Austin see it? Did you scream??????

Ryan needs to check the wood pile by your back door....

Jer and Steph said...

Jeremy was over at Josh and Charlie's house during the summer and they found a rattle snake by the side of their yard. Jeremy thought it was the coolest thing ever and wished he could have taken it home.