Wednesday, September 14, 2011

TP Mirror

This is so my kind of project, it didn't cost me a dime. It is a big statement piece though and you can't beat that. So my supplies for this project are a round mirror that I got for free toilet paper rolls and craft paint. You could use any round mirror they sell them everywhere and I find them at thrift stores all the time.
So I painted the frame of my mirror black and smashed the tp rolls flat and then cut them up to make leaf shapes. I then painted each leaf shape with the black paint. Using my hot glue gun I glued the leaves around the mirror then glued leaves in each space till I got it as round as I wanted. The results are amazing most people think it's metal till I tell them it's TP rolls. So here she is!
I just love her and at zero cost it's really a project anyone can do . Since craft paint comes in like a million colors you can honestly make one to match any room decor.

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Linz said...

**jaw drops** That is incredible!! Way to go girl!!

Elaine Bowman said...

You are sooo the most inventive person I know! Awesome!

Karena said...

I love this idea. Thanks for sharing. I would love for you to share it on my link party at

strbrte said...

Thanks Karena I linked up and back to you!

Angie said...

You and your TP rolls...are amazing! You must have "potty brain" haha!

Rachel said...

Oh my goodness!! That is one of the most clever things I've ever seen!! Love it!

Carmen said...

This is really cool looking. I have been collecting tp for months now. Can't wait to make my own. Would love it if you would link this up at our current 'It's A Rockin' Party" at RoCa and Company.

Carmen @ RoCa and Company

Jenny @ Simcoe Street said...

Wow! Great job!

Savannah Granny said...

Who woulda thunk it!! Fabulous creativity. Kudos to you.

Unknown said...

awesome! i love it, thanks for sharing.

GLORIA said...

Hi ,my name is Gloria Johnnie .
I live on Vancouver Island B.C CANADA .
I so love this craft and can't wait to get started .
My little dog loves to play with TP rools ..he will chase it until he gets tired lol .But he will have to find another toy .
thank you for your craft ideas.

GLORIA said...

Hi again ,
just wondering why my picture didn't get posted with my post

Rinparticle said...

Awesome work.. U make it sound so simple & easy! What paint did u use? Can I use acrylic?

Unknown said...

I love this mirror & I'm hoping to recreate it. How wide did you make/cut the pieces of tp roll?

Unknown said...

Eu amei já estou guardando vários rolos de tp pra fazer o meu!!!😍😘

Anonymous said...

I'm going to do an oval mirror in gold