After short and sassy!
I was so happy my friend Jeri could fit me in today to get my hair cut. I really wanted to donate it so something good can come of all of this. Fyi Locks of love won't take your hair once you've started chemo I was so glad someone told me that or all my gorgeous hair would have gone to waste. It was good to be able to talk to my kids about it so they understood that this hair will go to someone who needs it much more than I do. I don't think they will do the hysterectomy this week we haven't heard anything and they scheduled a surgery for WEd. to put a post in. It's just a thing they put under your skin to put the iv in so they don't have to find a vein each time. I feel so blessed though a sweet family in our church gave us a check yesterday for $500 and today I got the call that we would need $500 by Wed to cover half the cost of the surgery up front. I know God is so aware of us and our needs and he answers our prayers through other wonderful people who listen so carefully to his guidance. Thank you to everyone who has given us kind words or has stopped by to encourage me. I feel lifted by all your sweet sprits.
I love it!
It is sooo cute!!
so cute, kiddo. Someone is going to love your locks!
I just donated my hair in Feb. I had 14 inches. I took it to the post office and told the guy that I just wanted to mail it the cheapest way. He asked if I wanted a delivery confirmation. I said no, that's ok, but if you lose it you will be cheating some little kid out of some cool hair, so you better not lose it. He said don't worry miss, we won't lose it. I said good! P.S. Love the short hair!!!
I love the short hair!
I love our ward!!! Your hair looks so good! FUN!
Love it!
I think it looks so cute!! Good idea!
Love it... what a hotty. We are praying for you.
Starla, your new do looks fabulous. Keep us posted as much as you can handle and know that we love and support you and your family!
ps- not sure how I got here, but we grew up in the Sandstone Stk together and I recognized you from your pics.
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